No Name Artist Residency strives to foster an open-minded and innovative art community of global creatives in Zhujiajiao. Our residency program welcomes any form of art practice. We strongly encourage artists who specialize in new media art, graphic design, sculpture, and installation to apply.

No Name 艺术家驻地致力于在朱家角打造一个由世界各地的创意人士组成的开放并具有创新精神的艺术社区。我们的驻地项目欢迎任何形式的艺术创作。我们强烈鼓励新媒体,平面设计,雕塑及装置艺术家申请。

 Program Introduction |项目简介

  • Duration of the program ranges from 1 week to 3 months ( begins from the 1st day of each month)

  • Artists are expected to give an introduction of their artistic practice at the beginning of their residency and conclude their time at with an open studio exhibition to showcase their research and work 

  • Residency staffs are facilitators to support artists. However, they cannot directly involve in any research and creation. Artists are expected to be able to create work, and live independently, and be in good physical health and mental condition

  • Artists need to vacant their personal belongings when they leave, including their artworks unless other arrangements have been made with residency staff

  • No Name sponsors all selected residency artists. All costs that are necessary to finish the project will be covered

  • 项目周期从1周到三个月不等 (从每个月第一天开始)

  • 我们期望驻地艺术家在项目开始时介绍自己的艺术创作,并在项目结束时以开放工作室展览的形式来展示研究成果

  • 驻地员工将以主导人的身份给予帮助。但是他们不能直接参与研究与创作。我们希望艺术家们在这里能够身心健康的独立创作并生活

  • 艺术家在离开时需带走所有私人物品,包括艺术作品除非与驻地员工另作安排

  • No Name 为所有驻地艺术家提供赞助。我们将承担完成项目所需的必要费用

How To Apply |如何申请

Please send the following information to

  • Name and contact information

  • A short description of your interest and specialization

  • Your portfolio: We only accept visual works (images, videos, websites/interactive design). All other forms of materials such as creative/fiction writings and audio will only be considered as supplementary

  • Residency Proposal and duration


  • 姓名及联系方式

  • 一段对你的兴趣及专业的简短描述

  • 作品集:我们只接受视觉艺术作品(图片,视频,网站/交互设计等)。其他形式的材料例如创意/虚构文字作品及音频只将被考虑为补充材料。

  • 驻地计划书及时长